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The Care Quality Commission (CQC)
What is it and why is it important?
The Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of Health and Social Care in England, ensuring people have access to safe, caring, effective, responsive and well-led care services. ​They monitor, inspect and regulate these services to make sure that they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety.

Key lines of enquiry
The CQC ask five key questions.
These are known as ‘Key Lines of Enquiry’:
Is the service operating safely? The service should protect the Service User from abuse and avoidable harm.​
Does the care, treatment and support provide good outcomes, and are they effective? The service should help Service Users to maintain quality of life (based on the best available evidence).​
Is the service caring? Staff should involve and treat Service Users with compassion, kindness, dignity and respect.​
Is the service responsive to Service Users’ needs? Services should be organised so that they meet the needs of its Service User.​
Is the service well led? Leadership, management and governance of the service provider should all make sure it is providing high-quality care that is based around the individual needs of its Service User. It should encourage learning and innovation and promote an open and fair culture.
The CQC publish their findings and give each provider a performance rating: Outstanding, Good, Requires Improvement or Inadequate.
What does this mean for Independent Living?
We are fully regulated, inspected and rated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This means that we comply with the registration, inspection and auditing process that regulation brings. Transparency, integrity and quality governs the greatest possible experience for our Service Users and provides invaluable support to their families.
There are many benefits to working with a fully managed and regulated service. Just a few are explained below:
In order to maintain our registration, we must comply with regulatory standards. This should reassure our Service Users that they will receive the highest standards of care. We will not take on care that is unsafe or care that would put our Service Users at risk.​
Reports are compiled and kept securely to ensure regulators have confidence in the way we manage our service. We are open and honest. Our Service Users can provide feedback to the CQC on the service that we provide them with.​
Totally independent inspections (or audits) are carried out by a regulatory body, such as CQC, to give you peace of mind that we will do exactly what we say we will.​
The CQC works with other bodies such as the Health & Safety Executive, Health Watch, and the local government ombudsman to gain a better understanding of how a service is performing. Information is harvested from several sources before an inspection takes place.​
Our Care Givers are shortlisted before undergoing a rigorous recruitment process which obeys the regulations set out by CQC. Care Givers must provide a minimum of two references, have at least two years of hands-on experience and hold a fully enhanced DBS check. Care Givers and staff members are trained to a nationally recognised standard (in line with the Care Certificate) and any new Care Giving staff are monitored and observed by higher management to ensure their compliance before working unsupervised. ​
Ongoing development is provided to all staff in the form of supervisions, appraisals, direct observations and training, as well as specialisation in certain areas (Service Champions).

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